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Flexible Plans

Writer's picture: Shelby Shelby

SLOWLY (but surely) finding the balance between planning and adapting. Learning how to unapologetically move at our own pace, which means, having a plan while leaving room for creativity and spontaneity.

Journal entry: Friday, Sept. 27, 2019

An "Edit & Post" day with my new favorite mug. Candlelight. Hot Cuppa'joe. Filled Water Bottle. Music humming. 50 minutes on the clock. Time to get this done.

Today, while Baby Boy slept -I chugged, but I couldn't get it all done in the two hours he was asleep. I hadn't sat down at my computer - besides entering and editing our family budget information - since last Friday.

Thankfully, my hubby is an angel and happens to be at home. So he took the boys to the pool. While they are away, I finished posting my posts (or reverting from a voice memo in my Notepad) and now working on this piece. I love it when things simply work out, it's such a blessing. Now, I won't feel like I'm tragically delayed on this top-secret, classified website AND I can start fresh and hopefully edit two days next week. This mysterious site will be ready to publish one day.

Welp, as I finish this sentence, I hear the boys laughing loudly and running down the hallway. This is an abrupt end, which feels pretty authentic to my thought-life. Nevertheless, it's time to enjoy our Family Friday. We do "blockbuster movies" with all the works on Friday nights! So time to make some "take out" food and to walk to the store for the movie treats. I always feel like a trick-or-treater, strolling home (full of excitement) with my cloth bag filled with treats.




Everything the Same, Everything Different:

Wednesday, October 28, 2020:

No candle, no coffee, and no water bottle, but got the music going and annihilating about three pieces (at a time) of minty gum. It's a different vibe for sure, but tonight is the season finale of "Married at First Sight," so we are all good in the hood.

That said, tomorrow is the newsletter and there isn't a NeW sToRy.

So, I have to GeT tO wOrK!!!

hmmmmmm... but, then, I found this article (in my archives). I drafted it over a year ago. To no one's surprise, I am in the same situation a year later: the work ain't done. But it's all working out...Come on, God. Won't He do it?

Every single time.

(taking a moment to be grateful)

Now bringing it back - confession time:

I didn't prioritize writing the pre-planned (and outlined) article of my dreams, but a Sistah did VOTE early (ayyyee). That said, now that I've stumbled upon this article, I don't have cram for two to three days to complete a research-supported journal entry. I am going to publish this piece of imperfect perfection and then take the remainder of my time and my trick-or-treat clothe bag and stroll to the market. This time, I will load it up with shrimp & "MAFS" treats.

So we gonna get to the MoRaL of the tale: (as I profoundly composed on Instagram), I have never been so convinced of the power that is flexibility. Having a plan is essential to lower anxiety (and diversifies our days), but adaptability is vital to my sanity. So in this season, I am planning to be flexible or creating flexible plans. Periodt.

Praying that y'all are, also, finding the BALANCE that you need to move at your own pace, while also creating a space for low-stress and clear-mindedness.

As always, both Shalom & Polepole, friends.




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